Monday, August 25, 2008

How I love Experimenting

Yesterday I did some experimental baking. With working two jobs and volunteering at a youth center I don't have a lot of time for this. So I was pretty excited. Saturday I went to Sur La Table and bought some Rose Water Extract and Lavender Extract that I couldn't wait to use. I also modified my vanilla recipe. I think I may have found my perfect vanilla. I'm pretty excited about that. I made some rose cupcakes and lavender cupcakes. To be honest I didn't know what either tasted like I so didn't add any other extracts- I wanted to be able to taste the flavors on their own. They were both surprisingly good, though need to be in combination of other flavors. Some that we came up was:
Vanilla Rose
Chocolate Lavender
Orange Rose
Lemon Rose
Chocolate Zucchini Lavender

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I can't wait to do more expirementing. I'm also getting ready to do some logo stuff and figure out the whole name thing.

Till next time...

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