Here it is the names and flavors coming to Sweet Charity's Cupcakery. I have two potential coffee shops that I can sell my cupcakes in... now to get the paperwork sent out and get the ball rolling.
FYI- If you click on the pic it will bring it up larger.
The only one I need a name for is my chocolate peanut butter cupcake w/peanut butter buttercream.
I finally got all my recipes typed up... I'm very excited. I have some very fun names and flavors that I'll be offering... which I'll have to post later because the list is at home. Now all I need to do is get all the paperwork in and send it off to start the process of getting my cottage license. This means that I have to have someone review and approve all my recipes. Also I have to label everything as homemade and put the ingredients on the label along with all my info. I then have to have the health inspector come in and approve my home for baking. I already got a mini fridge to put everything in and I keep all my baking supplies seperate. After all of this is done I can then go to the city and get my business license- hopefully. Most cities have not heard of a cottage license. Then once I have my license I plan on going to local coffee shops and seeing if I can get them to sell my product and maybe even do some farmer's markets this summer. I'm very excited. Layton is getting a home base cupcakery so this has really gotten my but into gear. I'll keep you posted.
The last 4 batches of new recipes I've tried have all turned out horrible. I think it's the amount of baking soda I'm using... but I'm determined to get it right... even it I have to bake every day. The sad part is the cupcakes don't even turn out enough to each they just sink in the middle. But in the meantime here's some recent and not so recent photos.
I found my perfect frosting for my red velvet cupcakes... now I just need to perfect making them. It's a roux frosting with requires you to cook flour and milk together until thick. I learned last week this doesn't mean sort of thick but very thick. But man is it good. Apprarently it's the original frosting put on red velvet cake before cream cheese. I'm excited. The plan is to make some for Valentines next week so hopefully I can perfect my technique by then.
My passion is baking cupcakes. I'm in the process of getting my home cupcakery going. My dream is to have my cupcakes in Coffee Shops along Davis and Weber county. I love to try new flavors but wish I had more time to bake.